What we do
The DIATROFI Program offers every day school meals all over Greece and promotes healthy nutrition habits. It is executed under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religion.
The need
The malnourishment of children and childhood obesity are two sides of the same coin. According to data collected for the in school year 2018-2019 in schools which participated in the DIATROFI Program and are located in underprivileged areas: 48.6% of our students' families are facing food insecurity while 30.8% of our students are overweight or obese.
Our impact
Food insecurity problems have been mitigated, the consumption of healthier foods in children has increased while healthier dietary habits have been adopted by students and their families!
Areas of action
DIATROFI - the Program on Food Aid and Promotion of Healthy Nutrition is implemented in primary and secondary public schools in socioeconomically vulnerable areas across Greece, from Athens all the way to Thrace!
Our meals
Our meals have been designed by the Prolepsis Institute's scientific requirements in order to cover a significant proportion of students’ daily energy and nutritional needs. Since 2012, more than 15 million meals have been distributed to 110.000 students in 650 schools of the country.
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